Berbeda dengan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap Kurikulum 2013 bagian ke-1 sampai bagian ke-2 yang berbentuk pilihan ganda, Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and Effect, Coordinative Conjuction Part-3 atau bagian ketiga, butir soalnya berbentuk essay dan mencocokkan translate dari Inggris ke Indonesia, seperti berikut dibawah ini.
Answer: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
2. Did you remember to buy paper and pencils for school?
Answer: Did you remember to buy paper and pencil for school?
3. We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.
Answer: We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.
4. Do you want to go or stay home?
Answer: Do you want to go or stay home?
5. She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.
Answer: She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.
6. Do you walk or ride the bus to school?
Answer: Do you walk or ride the bus to school?
7. The apple is red and shiny.
Answer: The apple is red and shiny.
8. Grapes are purple or green.
Answer: Grapes are purple or green.
9. The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.
Answer: The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.
10. We are going to Texas or Florida on Vacation.
Answer: We are going to Texas or Florida on vacation.
B. Circle the conjunction and underline the words they connect!
1. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.Answer: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
2. Did you remember to buy paper and pencils for school?
Answer: Did you remember to buy paper and pencil for school?
3. We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.
Answer: We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.
Answer: Do you want to go or stay home?
5. She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.
Answer: She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.
6. Do you walk or ride the bus to school?
Answer: Do you walk or ride the bus to school?
7. The apple is red and shiny.
Answer: The apple is red and shiny.
8. Grapes are purple or green.
Answer: Grapes are purple or green.
9. The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.
Answer: The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.
10. We are going to Texas or Florida on Vacation.
Answer: We are going to Texas or Florida on vacation.
C. Match The English word below with Indonesian translation!
Lanjut ke soal penilaian tengah semester genap => 35 Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban